
SSE Implementation: Evasions and the Need for a Solid Defense

February 27, 2024

Continuing our deep dive into Security Service Edge (SSE), this blog post examines a critical aspect of SSE implementation: defending against layered evasions. These sophisticated tactics employed by cyber adversaries challenge the robustness of any security setup, including SSE's advanced cloud-based protections.

Layered Evasions: A Multifaceted Threat

Layered evasions are complex attack strategies that combine multiple evasion techniques. They may span across various protocols and applications to obscure malicious activity, making detection and prevention significantly more challenging.

Evasion Techniques in Focus

  • HTTP Evasions: Attackers manipulate HTTP headers, utilize chunked encoding, or employ compression methods to bypass security measures. These tactics can alter how data appears during transmission, potentially slipping past initial security checks.
  • HTML, XML, JSON Evasions: These include employing different encoding methods, inserting misleading data formats, or using character encoding escape sequences to mask malicious intent within seemingly benign data structures.
  • Multipart/form-data Evasions: Malicious actors might use form-data ambiguities to obfuscate the true nature of uploaded data.
  • Portable Executable (PE) Evasions: By packing or archiving executable files, attackers can disguise malware in a format that evades detection by conventional security tools.

The SSE Defense Against Evasions

An SSE solution must be equipped to handle these types of evasions effectively:

  • Baseline Defenses: SSE should first establish a strong defense against known threats and evasion tactics.
  • Normalization and Analysis: The ability to normalize traffic—to decipher it into a standard format for analysis—is crucial. This allows the SSE to provide accurate alerts based on the true nature of the traffic, rather than just identifying anomalies.
  • Adaptive Learning: Utilizing machine learning algorithms helps SSE adapt to new threats over time, learning from each attempted evasion to improve defenses.
  • Shared Responsibility and Vendor Support: Recognizing that cybersecurity is a shared responsibility, organizations must collaborate closely with SSE providers to ensure constant vigilance and adaptive defense mechanisms.


Layered evasions represent a significant test of SSE's adaptability and comprehensive protection. A robust SSE setup, backed by continuous learning and strong vendor support, is essential to thwart such advanced threats.

In our next posts, we'll continue to explore the complexities of SSE and effective strategies to harness its full potential for a secure cyber environment. Stay tuned for more expert insights and practical tips.