
Does Your Cloud Firewall Measure Up?

April 24, 2024
Vikram Phatak

It has been a couple of weeks since we announced our Cloud Network Firewall test results where Security Effectiveness scores ranged from 5.39% to 100%, and 6 out of 11 products received a Recommended rating. I commend the vendors in the Cloud Network Firewall test whose security proved effective. They have shown how well their products perform under rigorous testing conditions.

I’ve been testing cybersecurity products and interacting with the vendor community since 2007. One thing I have found is that the people behind those products took the mission seriously. Cybersecurity products are not like other computer products. Their purpose is to protect us. As such, there is a higher standard of care driven by expectations of trust. Folks selling a bulletproof vest have a responsibility to make sure it actually stops some bullets.

From that simple viewpoint, I am concerned that the AWS Network Firewall Advanced Inspection is not meeting what a reasonable person would consider to be the standard of care.

So, we spoke to Keysight Technologies about their cybersecurity testing tool, CyPerf. We use CyPerf in our testing and thought it might be helpful for customers to be able to test their own cloud firewall deployments. Keysight has agreed to provide a 2-week trial of CyPerf so organizations can make sure they are delivering the expected security. This tool can be used to test any of the cloud firewalls available today including the AWS Network Firewall.

If you need help in using the test tool, please reach out and we would be happy to provide a quick start guide. The link to get started is here:


Vikram Phatak